Go 语言

Go 语言教程 Go 语言环境安装 Go 语言结构 Go 语言基础语法 Go 语言数据类型 Go 语言变量 Go 语言常量 Go 语言运算符 Go 语言条件语句 Go 语言 if 语句 Go 语言 if...else 语句 Go 语言 if 语句嵌套 Go 语言 switch 语句 Go 语言 select 语句 Go 语言循环语句 Go 语言 for 循环 Go 语言循环嵌套 Go 语言 break 语句 Go 语言 continue 语句 Go 语言 goto 语句 Go 语言函数 Go 语言函数值传递值 Go 语言函数引用传递值 Go 语言函数作为值 Go 语言函数闭包 Go 语言函数方法 Go 语言变量作用域 Go 语言数组 Go 语言多维数组 Go 语言向函数传递数组 Go 语言指针 Go 语言指针数组 Go 语言指向指针的指针 Go 语言指针作为函数参数 Go 语言结构体 Go 语言切片(Slice) Go 语言范围(Range) Go 语言Map(集合) Go 语言递归函数 Go 语言类型转换 Go 语言接口 Go 错误处理 Go 语言开发工具Go 语言标准库

Go 语言标准库

package plugin

import "plugin"

Package plugin implements loading and symbol resolution of Go plugins.

Currently plugins only work on Linux.

A plugin is a Go main package with exported functions and variables that has been built with:

go build -buildmode=plugin

When a plugin is first opened, the init functions of all packages not already part of the program are called. The main function is not run. A plugin is only initialized once, and cannot be closed.

Package Files

plugin.go plugin_dlopen.go

type Plugin Uses

type Plugin struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

Plugin is a loaded Go plugin.

func Open Uses

func Open(path string) (*Plugin, error)

Open opens a Go plugin. If a path has already been opened, then the existing *Plugin is returned. It is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.

func (*Plugin) Lookup Uses

func (p *Plugin) Lookup(symName string) (Symbol, error)

Lookup searches for a symbol named symName in plugin p. A symbol is any exported variable or function. It reports an error if the symbol is not found. It is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.

type Symbol Uses

type Symbol interface{}

A Symbol is a pointer to a variable or function.

For example, a plugin defined as

package main

// // No C code needed.
import "C"

import "fmt"

var V int

func F() { fmt.Printf("Hello, number %d\n", V) }

may be loaded with the Open function and then the exported package symbols V and F can be accessed

p, err := plugin.Open("plugin_name.so")
if err != nil {
v, err := p.Lookup("V")
if err != nil {
f, err := p.Lookup("F")
if err != nil {
*v.(*int) = 7
f.(func())() // prints "Hello, number 7"