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Found 140 pages with the tag "Property":


  • arguments: The function.arguments property refers to an an array-like object corresponding to the arguments passed to a function. Use the simple variable arguments instead. This property is forbidden in strict model due to tail call optimization.
  • arguments[@@iterator]: The initial value of the @@iterator property is the same function object as the initial value of the Array.prototype.values property.
  • arity: The arity property used to return the number of arguments expected by the function, however, it no longer exists and has been replaced by the Function.prototype.length property.
  • asyncIterator: The Symbol.asyncIterator well-known symbol specifies the default AsyncIterator for an object. If this property is set on an object, it is an async iterable and can be used in a for await...of loop.


  • BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: The TypedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT property represents the size in bytes of each element in an typed array.
  • buffer: The buffer accessor property represents the ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer referenced by the DataView at construction time.
  • buffer: The buffer accessor property represents the ArrayBuffer referenced by a TypedArray at construction time.
  • buffer: The buffer prototype property of the Memory object returns the buffer contained in the memory.
  • byteLength: The byteLength accessor property represents the length of an ArrayBuffer in bytes.
  • byteLength: The byteLength accessor property represents the length (in bytes) of this view from the start of its ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer.
  • byteLength: The byteLength accessor property represents the length of an SharedArrayBuffer in bytes.
  • byteLength: The byteLength accessor property represents the length (in bytes) of a typed array.
  • byteOffset: The byteOffset accessor property represents the offset (in bytes) of this view from the start of its ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBuffer.
  • byteOffset: The byteOffset accessor property represents the offset (in bytes) of a typed array from the start of its ArrayBuffer.


  • callee: The arguments.callee property contains the currently executing function.
  • caller: The obsolete arguments.caller property used to provide the function that invoked the currently executing function. This property has been removed and no longer works.
  • caller: The function.caller property returns the function that invoked the specified function. This property is forbidden in strict model.
  • columnNumber: The columnNumber property contains the column number in the line of the file that raised this error.
  • constructor: The constructor property returns a reference to the Object constructor function that created the instance object. Note that the value of this property is a reference to the function itself, not a string containing the function's name. The value is only read-only for primitive values such as 1, true and "test".


  • debuggerEnabled: The debug.debuggerEnabled property determines whether debugging is enabled for the script context. Debugging may be enabled or disabled whether or not a debugger is attached.
  • delete operator: The JavaScript delete operator removes a property from an object; if no more references to the same property are held, it is eventually released automatically.
  • description: The read-only description property is a string returning the optional description of Symbol objects.
  • description: The Error.description property returns or sets the descriptive string associated with a specific error.
  • displayName: The function.displayName property returns the display name of the function.
  • dotAll: The dotAll property indicates whether or not the "s" flag is used with the regular expression. dotAll is a read-only property of an individual regular expression instance.


  • E: The Math.E property represents the base of natural logarithms, e, approximately 2.718.
  • EPSILON: The Number.EPSILON property represents the difference between 1 and the smallest floating point number greater than 1.
  • exports: The exports readonly property of the WebAssembly.Instance object prototype returns an object containing as its members all the functions exported from the WebAssembly module instance, to allow them to be accessed and used by JavaScript.


  • fileName: The fileName property contains the path to the file that raised this error.
  • flags: The flags property returns a string consisting of the flags of the current regular expression object.


  • get ArrayBuffer[@@species]: The ArrayBuffer[@@species] accessor property returns the ArrayBuffer constructor.
  • get Map[@@species]: The Map[@@species] accessor property returns the Map constructor.
  • get RegExp[@@species]: The RegExp[@@species] accessor property returns the RegExp constructor.
  • get Set[@@species]: The Set[@@species] accessor property returns the Set constructor.
  • get TypedArray[@@species]: The TypedArray[@@species] accessor property returns the constructor of a typed array.
  • global: The global property indicates whether or not the "g" flag is used with the regular expression. global is a read-only property of an individual regular expression instance.


  • hasInstance: The Symbol.hasInstance well-known symbol is used to determine if a constructor object recognizes an object as its instance. The instanceof operator's behavior can be customized by this symbol.


  • ignoreCase: The ignoreCase property indicates whether or not the "i" flag is used with the regular expression. ignoreCase is a read-only property of an individual regular expression instance.
  • input ($_): The non-standard input property is a static property of regular expressions that contains the string against which a regular expression is matched. RegExp.$_ is an alias for this property.
  • isConcatSpreadable: The Symbol.isConcatSpreadable well-known symbol is used to configure if an object should be flattened to its array elements when using the Array.prototype.concat() method.
  • iterator: The Symbol.iterator well-known symbol specifies the default iterator for an object. Used by for...of.




  • LN10: The Math.LN10 property represents the natural logarithm of 10, approximately 2.302:
  • LN2: The Math.LN2 property represents the natural logarithm of 2, approximately 0.693:
  • LOG10E: The Math.LOG10E property represents the base 10 logarithm of e, approximately 0.434:
  • LOG2E: The Math.LOG2E property represents the base 2 logarithm of e, approximately 1.442:
  • lastIndex: The lastIndex is a read/write integer property of regular expression instances that specifies the index at which to start the next match.
  • lastMatch ($&): The non-standard lastMatch property is a static and read-only property of regular expressions that contains the last matched characters. RegExp.$& is an alias for this property.
  • lastParen ($+): The non-standard lastParen property is a static and read-only property of regular expressions that contains the last parenthesized substring match, if any. RegExp.$+ is an alias for this property.
  • leftContext ($`): The non-standard leftContext property is a static and read-only property of regular expressions that contains the substring preceding the most recent match. RegExp.$` is an alias for this property.
  • length: The arguments.length property contains the number of arguments passed to the function.
  • length: The length accessor property represents the length (in elements) of a typed array.
  • length: The length property indicates the number of parameters expected by the function.
  • length: The length property of an object which is an instance of type Array sets or returns the number of elements in that array. The value is an unsigned, 32-bit integer that is always numerically greater than the highest index in the array.
  • length: The length property of a String object indicates the length of a string, in UTF-16 code units.
  • length: The length prototype property of the WebAssembly.Table object returns the length of the table, i.e. the number of elements in the table.
  • lineNumber: The lineNumber property contains the line number in the file that raised this error.


  • MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: The Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER constant represents the maximum safe integer in JavaScript (253 - 1).
  • MAX_VALUE: The Number.MAX_VALUE property represents the maximum numeric value representable in JavaScript.
  • MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: The Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER constant represents the minimum safe integer in JavaScript (-(253 - 1)).
  • MIN_VALUE: The Number.MIN_VALUE property represents the smallest positive numeric value representable in JavaScript.
  • match: The Symbol.match well-known symbol specifies the matching of a regular expression against a string. This function is called by the String.prototype.match() method.
  • matchAll: The Symbol.matchAll well-known symbol returns an iterator, that yields matches of the regular expression against a string. This function is called by the String.prototype.matchAll() method.
  • message: The message property is a human-readable description of the error.
  • msTraceAsyncCallbackCompleted: Indicates that the callback stack associated with a previously specified asynchronous operation has completed.
  • multiline: The multiline property indicates whether or not the "m" flag is used with the regular expression. multiline is a read-only property of an individual regular expression instance.


  • NEGATIVE_INFINITY: The Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY property represents the negative Infinity value.
  • NaN: The global NaN property is a value representing Not-A-Number.
  • NaN: The Number.NaN property represents Not-A-Number. Equivalent of NaN.
  • name: The name property represents a name for the type of error. The initial value is "Error".
  • name: A Function object's read-only name property indicates the function's name as specified when it was created, or "anonymous" for functions created anonymously.
  • name: The property represents a string value of the typed array constructor name.
  • number: The Error.number property returns or sets the numeric value associated with a specific error. The Error object's default property is number.



  • PI: The Math.PI property represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, approximately 3.14159:
  • POSITIVE_INFINITY: The Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY property represents the positive Infinity value.
  • parse: bad parsing: SyntaxError
  • prototype: The Number.prototype property represents the prototype for the Number constructor.
  • prototype: The ArrayBuffer.prototype property represents the prototype for the ArrayBuffer object.
  • prototype: The BigInt.prototype property represents the prototype for the BigInt constructor.
  • prototype: The Boolean.prototype property represents the prototype for the Boolean constructor.
  • prototype: The DataView.prototype property represents the prototype for the DataView object.
  • prototype: The Date.prototype property represents the prototype for the Date constructor.
  • prototype: The Error.prototype property represents the prototype for the Error constructor.
  • prototype: The EvalError.prototype property represents the prototype of the EvalError constructor.
  • prototype: The Function.prototype property represents the Function prototype object.
  • prototype: The GeneratorFunction.prototype property represents the GeneratorFunction prototype object.
  • prototype: The InternalError.prototype property represents the prototype of the InternalError constructor.
  • prototype: The Intl.Collator.prototype property represents the prototype object for the Intl.Collator constructor.
  • prototype: The Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype property represents the prototype object for the Intl.DateTimeFormat constructor.
  • prototype: See ListFormat for a description of Intl.ListFormat instances.
  • prototype: The Intl.NumberFormat.prototype property represents the prototype object for the Intl.NumberFormat constructor.
  • prototype: The Intl.PluralRules.prototype property represents the prototype object for the Intl.PluralRules constructor.
  • prototype: The Intl.RelativeTimeFormat.prototype property represents the prototype object for the Intl.RelativeTimeFormat constructor.
  • prototype: The Map.prototype property represents the prototype for the Map constructor.
  • prototype: The WebAssembly.Module.prototype property represents the prototype for the WebAssembly.Module() constructor.
  • prototype: Array instances inherit from Array.prototype. As with all constructors, you can change the constructor's prototype object to make changes to all Array instances. For example, you can add new methods and properties to extend all Array objects. This is used for polyfilling, for example.
  • prototype: The WebAssembly.Memory.prototype property represents the prototype for the WebAssembly.Memory() constructor.
  • prototype: The AsyncFunction.prototype property represents the AsyncFunction prototype object.
  • prototype: The Object.prototype is a property of the Object constructor. It is also the end of a prototype chain.
  • prototype: The Promise.prototype property represents the prototype for the Promise constructor.
  • prototype: The RangeError.prototype property represents the prototype the RangeError constructor.
  • prototype: The ReferenceError.prototype property represents the prototype for the ReferenceError constructor.
  • prototype: The RegExp.prototype property represents the prototype object for the RegExp constructor.
  • prototype: The Set.prototype property represents the prototype for the Set constructor.
  • prototype: The SharedArrayBuffer.prototype property represents the prototype for the SharedArrayBuffer object.
  • prototype: The String.prototype property represents the String prototype object.
  • prototype: The Symbol.prototype property represents the prototype for the Symbol constructor.
  • prototype: The SyntaxError.prototype property represents the prototype for the SyntaxError constructor.
  • prototype: The TypeError.prototype property represents the prototype for the TypeError constructor.
  • prototype: The TypedArray.prototype property represents the prototype for TypedArray constructors.
  • prototype: The URIError.prototype property represents the prototype for the URIError constructor.
  • prototype: The WeakMap.prototype property represents the prototype for the WeakMap constructor.
  • prototype: The WeakSet.prototype property represents the prototype for the WeakSet constructor.
  • prototype: The WebAssembly.Global.prototype property represents the prototype for the WebAssembly.Global() constructor.
  • prototype: The WebAssembly.Instance.prototype property represents the prototype for the WebAssembly.Instance() constructor.
  • prototype: The WebAssembly.Table.prototype property represents the prototype for the WebAssembly.Table() constructor.
  • prototype[@@toStringTag]: The Map[@@toStringTag] property has an initial value of "Map".
  • prototype[@@unscopables]: The @@unscopable symbol property contains property names that were not included in the ECMAScript standard prior to the ES2015 version. These properties are excluded from with statement bindings.



  • replace: The Symbol.replace well-known symbol specifies the method that replaces matched substrings of a string. This function is called by the String.prototype.replace() method.
  • rightContext ($'): The non-standard rightContext property is a static and read-only property of regular expressions that contains the substring following the most recent match. RegExp.$' is an alias for this property.


  • SQRT1_2: The Math.SQRT1_2 property represents the square root of 1/2 which is approximately 0.707:
  • SQRT2: The Math.SQRT2 property represents the square root of 2, approximately 1.414:
  • search: The well-known symbol specifies the method that returns the index within a string that matches the regular expression. This function is called by the method.
  • setNonUserCodeExceptions: If this property is set to true within a given scope, the debugger can then choose whether to take some specified action on exceptions thrown inside that scope: for instance, if the developer wishes to break on user-unhandled exceptions. Setting this property to false is the same as never having set the property.
  • size: The size accessor property returns the number of (unique) elements in a Set object.
  • size: The size accessor property returns the number of elements in a Map object.
  • source: The source property returns a String containing the source text of the regexp object, and it doesn't contain the two forward slashes on both sides and any flags.
  • species: The well-known symbol Symbol.species specifies a function-valued property that the constructor function uses to create derived objects.
  • split: The Symbol.split well-known symbol specifies the method that splits a string at the indices that match a regular expression. This function is called by the String.prototype.split() method.
  • stack: The non-standard stack property of Error objects offer a trace of which functions were called, in what order, from which line and file, and with what arguments. The stack string proceeds from the most recent calls to earlier ones, leading back to the original global scope call.
  • stackTraceLimit: The Error.stackTraceLimit property gets or sets the stack trace limit, which is equivalent to the number of error frames to display. The default limit is 10.
  • sticky: The sticky property reflects whether or not the search is sticky (searches in strings only from the index indicated by the lastIndex property of this regular expression). sticky is a read-only property of an individual regular expression object.


  • toPrimitive: The Symbol.toPrimitive is a symbol that specifies a function valued property that is called to convert an object to a corresponding primitive value.
  • toStringTag: The Symbol.toStringTag well-known symbol is a string valued property that is used in the creation of the default string description of an object. It is accessed internally by the Object.prototype.toString() method.


  • unicode: The unicode property indicates whether or not the "u" flag is used with a regular expression. unicode is a read-only property of an individual regular expression instance.
  • unscopables: The Symbol.unscopables well-known symbol is used to specify an object value of whose own and inherited property names are excluded from the with environment bindings of the associated object.







  • __count__: The __count__ property used to store the count of enumerable properties on the object, but it has been removed.
  • __noSuchMethod__: The __noSuchMethod__ property used to reference a function to be executed when a non-existent method is called on an object, but this function is no longer available.
  • __parent__: The __parent__ property used to point to an object's context, but it has been removed.
  • __proto__: The __proto__ property of Object.prototype is an accessor property (a getter function and a setter function) that exposes the internal [[Prototype]] (either an object or null) of the object through which it is accessed.


  • $1-$9: The non-standard $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9 properties are static and read-only properties of regular expressions that contain parenthesized substring matches.

See also