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Added in API level 3


public class Visibility
extends Object

   ↳ android.opengl.Visibility



Public constructors


Public methods

static void computeBoundingSphere(float[] positions, int positionsOffset, int positionsCount, float[] sphere, int sphereOffset)


static int frustumCullSpheres(float[] mvp, int mvpOffset, float[] spheres, int spheresOffset, int spheresCount, int[] results, int resultsOffset, int resultsCapacity)

给定一个OpenGL ES ModelView-Projection矩阵(它隐含地描述一个平截头体)和一个球体列表,确定哪个球体与平截头体相交。

static int visibilityTest(float[] ws, int wsOffset, float[] positions, int positionsOffset, char[] indices, int indicesOffset, int indexCount)


Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object

Public constructors


Added in API level 3
Visibility ()

Public methods


Added in API level 3
void computeBoundingSphere (float[] positions, 
                int positionsOffset, 
                int positionsCount, 
                float[] sphere, 
                int sphereOffset)

计算一组点的边界球。 它大约是限定点的轴对齐框的最小边界球。

positions float: positions in x, y, z triples
positionsOffset int: offset into positions array
positionsCount int: number of position triples to process
sphere float: array containing the output as (x, y, z, r)
sphereOffset int: offset where the sphere data will be written
IllegalArgumentException if positions is null, positionsOffset < 0, positionsOffset > positions.length - positionsCount, sphere is null, sphereOffset < 0, sphereOffset > sphere.length - 4.


Added in API level 3
int frustumCullSpheres (float[] mvp, 
                int mvpOffset, 
                float[] spheres, 
                int spheresOffset, 
                int spheresCount, 
                int[] results, 
                int resultsOffset, 
                int resultsCapacity)

给定一个OpenGL ES ModelView-Projection矩阵(它隐含地描述一个平截头体)和一个球体列表,确定哪个球体与平截头体相交。

模型视图投影矩阵可以通过将投影矩阵乘以模型视图矩阵(按照该顺序)来计算。 有几种可能的方式来获得当前的ModelView和Projection矩阵。 最普遍适用的方法是跟踪应用程序代码中的当前矩阵。 如果这样做不方便,有两个可选的OpenGL ES扩展可用于从OpenGL ES中读取当前矩阵:

  • GL10Ext.glQueryMatrixxOES
The problem with reading back the matrices is that your application will only work with devices that support the extension(s) that it uses.


球体在世界空间坐标中被描述为四个浮点值:x,y,z和r。 R是球体的半径。

mvp float: a float array containing the mode-view-projection matrix
mvpOffset int: The offset of the mvp data within the mvp array.
spheres float: a float array containing the sphere data.
spheresOffset int: an offset into the sphere array where the sphere data starts
spheresCount int: the number of spheres to cull.
results int: an integer array containing the indices of the spheres that are either contained entirely within or intersect the frustum.
resultsOffset int: an offset into the results array where the results start.
resultsCapacity int: the number of array elements available for storing results.
int the number of spheres that intersected the frustum. Can be larger than resultsCapacity, in which case only the first resultsCapacity results are written into the results array.
IllegalArgumentException if mvp is null, mvpOffset < 0, mvpOffset > mvp.length - 16, spheres is null, spheresOffset < 0, spheresOffset > spheres.length - sphereCount, results is null, resultsOffset < 0, resultsOffset > results.length - resultsCapacity.


Added in API level 3
int visibilityTest (float[] ws, 
                int wsOffset, 
                float[] positions, 
                int positionsOffset, 
                char[] indices, 
                int indicesOffset, 
                int indexCount)

测试给定的三角形网格是否在屏幕上可见。 网格被指定为索引三角形列表。

ws float: the world space to screen space transform matrix, as an OpenGL column matrix.
wsOffset int: an index into the ws array where the data starts.
positions float: the vertex positions (x, y, z).
positionsOffset int: the index in the positions array where the data starts.
indices char: the indices of the triangle list. The indices are expressed as chars because they are unsigned 16-bit values.
indicesOffset int: the index in the indices array where the index data starts.
indexCount int: the number of indices in use. Typically a multiple of three. If not a multiple of three, the remaining one or two indices will be ignored.
int 2 if all of the mesh is visible, 1 if some part of the mesh is visible, 0 if no part is visible.
IllegalArgumentException if ws is null, wsOffset < 0, positions is null, positionsOffset < 0, indices is null, indicesOffset < 0, indicesOffset > indices.length - indexCount
